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LTI Advantage

By embracing LTI 1.3, you're not just keeping up with the latest industry standards — you're gaining a competitive edge. This standard enhances your ability to integrate tightly with LMSs, increase security, and significantly reduce the amount of LMS-specific code you need to write and maintain.

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LTI Advantage represents a significant milestone in the advancement of 1EdTech standards for integrating with LMSs, adding important services that tool providers can leverage instead of calling LMS-specific APIs. Atomic Jolt helps EdTech companies build platforms for online learning and integrate with LMSs using APIs and industry standards such as LTI, Common Cartridge, QTI, and Caliper.

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LTI Advantage Benefits

  • Streamline content provisioning
  • Retrieve user roles and info
  • Provide uniform experiences across LMSs
  • Create line items and automatically send scores to the gradebook

Better User Experiences

  • Easier installation
  • More intuitive for faculty to integrate third-party tools
  • Continuously syncing of results
  • Grading with custom values and comments

Better Student Privacy and Data Security

LTI Advantage leverages the IMS Security Framework and uses industry best practices, ensuring the highest level of protection of personal information and reducing institutional and personal risk.

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Let's chat.

Learn how Atomic Jolt can help you develop your products and services, integrate with LMSs, and add support for LTI advantage.

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