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Case Studies

Explore how Atomic Jolt's custom development, curriculum services, and powerful edtech products help educators and organizations improve learning outcomes, streamline workflows, and enhance accessibility.

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Photography 101 Success Story

RMIT University Vietnam

Discover how RMIT University Vietnam transformed its Photography 101 course into an award-winning, fully asynchronous learning experience.

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Transforming LMS Content Management

Northern Virginia Community College (NOVA)

NOVA transformed LMS content management with Atomic Search, enabling faculty to quickly find, update, and maintain course materials.

More Info VA DCJS website on a laptop

Developing Accessible Training

Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS)

The DCJS plans and carries out programs and initiatives to improve the functioning and effectiveness of the criminal justice system as a whole in the state of Virginia.

More Info bridgewater college website on a laptop

Career Services Accessibility and Engagement

Bridgewater College

Explore real-world success stories with Atomic Jolt's innovative solutions. Discover how educators and organizations use our tools to improve learning outcomes and streamline workflows.

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Rockwood School District

Rockwood School District

Brian Reed and team used Atomic Search to transform the RSD digital learning environment, streamlining content management and enhancing equity and accessibility for over 20,000 students and 3,000 staff.

More Info the know your lemons app on an iphone

Know Your Lemons App

Know Your Lemons Foundation

iOS and Android app that explains 12 ways breast cancer can present and guides users step-by-step with a personalized plan to manage their breast health.

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Offline Tracker

Pansophic Learning

Offline Tracker helps teachers track time that students report spending on course activities outside of the learning management system.

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Web and mobile platform that universities use to adopt, customize, and deliver open licensed and instructor-developed textbooks and teaching materials.

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TherapyMate LLC

SaaS platform for running mental health clinics that supports scheduling, patient notes, electronic billing, and accounting.

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Open Assessments

Lumen Learning, BYU, MIT

Open source embeddable quiz player that supports playing QTI and EdX format quiz files. Can be configured for use in both formative and summative assessment situations.

More Info clinical evaluation system on a laptop

Clinical Evaluation System

Utah Valley University

Survey application that helps nursing schools manage self, supervisor, and instructor evaluations of clinical experiences.

More Info masters of history on a tablet

Masters of History

Utah State University

A flash card LTI app for exploring history that includes a leaderboard designed to increase student motivation and learning.

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Open Tapestry


A content management and mashup tool that teachers use to draw content from anywhere on the web for instructional use.

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Base Blocks

Utah State University

An interactive math tool that elementary school teachers use to teach place value and regrouping for addition and subtraction.

More Info demo arigato on a laptop

Demo Arigato


Sales support tool that populates a Canvas instance with selected courses and simulates student activity in those courses based on data specified in Google spreadsheets.

More Info eliciting math misconceptions on a laptop

Eliciting Math Misconceptions

Educational Development Center

Customized version of the open source Canvas LMS to support administering diagnostic math assessments for rational numbers.

More Info concept map authoring tool on a laptop

Concept Map Authoring Tool

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

A visual authoring tool for concept maps. Talks to MIT services to retrieve and store map data, including course objectives, activities, and resources.